Children (GA's, Mission Friends, RA's)

Children's Programs

The GA's, Mission Friends, and RA's are groups for young girls and boys with guidelines under the auspices of the WMU. Leaders of these groups design activities for the children's spiritual growth along with character and ethics.

Children's Sunday Night Ministry

Sunday Nights

6:00-7:00 p.m., FLC

3K to 6th Grade

Jay and Wendy Cagle, Leaders

Promote Giving to Annie Armstrong

The GA's, under the leadership of Barbara Owens and Willie Von Langley, helped to promote giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.

They gave a presentation in the Worship Service one Sunday in March. They also made crosses to place on a tree for each $100 given. At this writing, they have made 49 crosses.

Thank you, GA's, for your help!

Children's Events

Mini-Mission Trip, May 29th

Monday, May 29th

The Girls in Action are going to visit residents at Commander Nursing Home. They will give the residents candy bags and colored pictures as they visit with them.

Mini-Mission Trip, July 10th

Wednesday, July 10th @ 7 p.m.

The Girls in Action are planning a mini-mission trip to the Howe Springs Fire Department to express their gratitude for all the 'lifesavers' do for our community. 

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